Wednesday, November 26, 2008

2008 Thankgiving Frank Factor

At this Thanksgiving dinner I will toast some very, very wonderful things to be thankful for; my friends, family Frank Factor supporters and the collapse of Republicanism, and the utter failure of the unregulated free market doo doo economic theory. Also cause for thanks, an election outcome that put a dent in American racism, fear mongering and paranoia. One of my sincere hopes for future Thanksgiving toasts will be the death of homophobia, another relic of the socially retarded. And maybe beyond that the relegation of Religion to the same fate as The Pet Rock.

For some the resounding implosions we hear of right wing financial and ideological failure will be denied. They'll claim that there just wasn't enough "no regulation" and that a one man Muslim terrorist sleeper cell pied pipered hapless dupes into supporting him for election as President of the United States.

Those suffering from these delusions are many of the same people that believe in talking snakes, three day weekends inside whale bellies and that Sarah Palin is Presidential material.Many of them worship the blubber of that famous unicorn salesmen Milton Friedman and sociopath Ayn Rand. Peddling their religion of uber-hedonism like Jerry Falwell selling shame to the morally and ethically hobbled. The damaged and psychologically infirm hoping to be made whole and cleansed of the original sin of self examination, altruism, compassion and reality.

For eight of the longest political years of my life I have had to suffer the administration of George W. Bush; a grotesque monster made of arrogance, ignorance and violence patched together with the thread of propaganda and intimidation. Everyday tainted by the tint and stench of mendacity, hubris, violence and contempt. Now, thankfully, those days will be coming to an end very soon.

Will the Republicanistas be replaced by angels of goodness? Hardly, but with the bar set to such depths Millard Fillmore and Richard Nixon are saints by comparison. And as the disgraced criminals of the Bush Administration slither out the back door they leave the world with another catastrophe as a parting gift- the utter collapse of the world financial market and the shackling of every single American and their children with tens of thousands of dollars of debt.

The party of moral and financial superiority has shit the bed and left the building. Granted, there were some rotten Democrats in this poison concoction of selfishness but by far the best friends of corporations, greed and graft are the Republicanistas.

The party that scrutinizes every single tax dollar to see that it doesn't risk ending up in the hands of some shiftless minority or providing health care to the working poor, rebuilding and equipping public schools, helping Americans get college educations, advancing clean energy, or any other horrible "communist" enterprise that might provide for the welfare of American citizens has just financed their own failure with your money- tax payer money. More accurately, your labor and the labor of your children into the future. The tax haters are in line for their hand outs. If they had any sense of shame they would NEVER whine about taxes and government assistance ever again. But you can bet they will.

Remember when Bush wanted to privatize Social Security? What a fuckin' joke! More of that brilliant self-reliance fiscal bull shit. It has finally be laid out plain as the nose on your face- these low tax, free market, self reliant, moral giants are colossal frauds and intellectual neanderthals. They are stricken with a moral illness that prevents them from giving a shit about anyone but themselves. Fearful, violent witch hunters, empty moral midgets and ethical pygmies that protect themselves from themselves with denial, superstition and Religion -and now tax dollars.

This lesson comes to us at a tremendous cost so to maximize our return on investment I recommend we never forget who and what put us in this position and at what price. As of this date, the cost of the debt we are paying to amoral wall street gamblers and liars looks something like this:

Adding the cost of The Marshall Plan, Louisiana Purchase, Race to the Moon, S&L Crisis, Korean War,The New Deal, Invasion of Iraq, Vietnam War, and NASA: you come up with a total of $3.92 trillion dollars... Inflation Adjusted dollars!

The current Wall Street gamblers, liars and failures bailout is costing us $4.62 trillion dollars. As as I speak more billions are being added. It is estimated to be approaching 8 TRILLION dollars! And these right wing twits want you to believe Barney Frank and ACORN pulled this off ( RADS, Republican Accountability Denial Syndrome).

Universal health care, securing Social Security, providing books and supplies for our children's class rooms, enhancing veteran's benefits? Those are godless Communist programs for which we can not spend those precious tax dollars. Picking up the tab for billionaires who lost money gambling on irresponsible bets and playing multi-billion dollar ponzi schemes? That's the patriotic, self reliant thing to do. What better way to spend those evil, ill gotten tax dollars? Spend them on anyone but the poor and working class.

On this Thanksgiving I pray we never forget the Bush Cheney disaster and the crash of the Republican corporate free market, diaper changing ideology. You're paying for it and will be for a long time. If we've learned our lesson, we can be thankful.

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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