This is a little project of mine, I will document the ridiculous think that Republicans are forecasting for the Obama presidency.
Like Chicago a 10% Sales Tax, 7% Tax on home sales, and No handguns in homes.
Just come around and take money out of your pants, Jim Villanuchi.
$6-10 Gas
National Police Force
He is a Socialist, Marxist, Arab, Terrorist, PLO
Communist Bigot
Gas the Jews
More Abortions, proliferate abortions
Still question his place of birth
Acorns influence on election
End of 1st Amendment
Mongrelized racial wasteland
"It's time for the Rapture" Dan Hutchison, Alb Journal 11/06/08 Run on Guns
Bankrupt the Coal Industry
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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November 3 broadcast of his Cincinnati-based radio show, Bill Cunningham repeatedly compared Sen. Barack Obama to dictators such as Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, and Adolf Hitler. Cunningham stated: "Much like Castro took over Cuba, Mao Zedong took over Red China, and the Communists took over Russia, Obama now is poised, according to many of my good friends on the left like Paul Mason and others, to seize power in America, and I hope to be a bloodless coup." Cunningham later added, "[Obama] goes out to his left-wing buddies in San Francisco and smears God, smears guns, smears everything great about this country. Then he comes to these rallies like bromides, like Adolf Hitler in 1933, and the faithful are shouting, 'Yes we can, yes we can.' "
CUNNINGHAM: Barack Hussein Obama wants to bankrupt the coal industry.
October 30 broadcast of his Cincinnati-based radio show, Bill Cunningham asked "Randy Furman," a fictional Jewish character voiced by fellow WLW-AM host Scott Sloan: "Did you hear about this [Columbia University professor of Middle East studies Rashid] Khalidi tape where [Sen. Barack] Obama is toasting a guy who wants to gas and fry Jews? ... This Obama guy loves the PLO [Palestinian Liberation Organization]. Can't you figure that out?" Cunningham later added, "Jews for [Sen. John] McCain because Obama wants to gas the Jews, like the PLO wants to gas the Jews, like the Nazis gassed the Jews. You got Obama introducing Arab terrorists, and the L.A. Times won't release the story.
November 4 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, G. Gordon Liddy spoke to a caller who stated: "I'm ready to go to the concentration camp, that [Sen. Barack] Obama's police force -- he will round me up. Because I -- I'm a white American." Liddy then said, "Well, listen to this," and aired an edited clip of Obama saying in a July 2 speech in Colorado Springs: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Liddy then stated: "Shades of the Gestapo. The Geheime Staatspolizei," to which the caller replied: "How's the cooking going to be? What will -- what will they serve, at the camp?" Liddy responded: "Well, I think, probably, there'll be ham hocks and turnip greens."
September 15 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, G. Gordon Liddy falsely claimed of Sen. Barack Obama: "[T]here's others who say he was born, you know, in Kenya. And I don't have a birth certificate from Kenya to show that he was, but neither does he have a birth certificate to show that he was born in Hawaii, either." In fact, as Media Matters for America has repeatedly documented, in addition to posting a copy of Obama's birth certificate on the campaign website, the Obama campaign reportedly provided the original to, whose staff said in an August 21 article that they "have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate," and concluded that the document does, in fact, exist, and that it "meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship." Further, even right-wing website reported in an August 23 article that a "WND investigation into Obama's birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic."
October 29 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage said of a California ballot initiative that would amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage, "[T]here's a ballot initiative on homosexual marriage that is more important than you could imagine. It's called Proposition 8, and you must vote 'yes' if you're sane. If you're insane, hate the family, hate man and woman, hate your mother and father, hate the Bible, hate the church, and hate the synagogue, of course you're in favor of 'no' on Proposition 8." The next day on his program, Savage stated: "[T]he people who don't have families don't understand that, as difficult as family life is, life is impossible without it. They don't understand that. They don't understand what the family unit is. It's the strongest bond on Earth, which is why homosexual marriage is such a threat to civilization itself."
October 27 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage said: "[Sen. Barack] Obama and I are on the opposite sides of the political spectrum, as you can well imagine. While he benefited from affirmative action, stepping over more qualified white men, I actually lost as a result of affirmative action, many times in my life. Although I'd get near 100s on certain exams, they put me at the back of the bus because they said -- the ACLU said -- certain people will have to put their futures on hold in order to let others advance, and take a look at where we are today -- we have America's first affirmative action candidate about to become president."
October 10, 2008, Michael Savage baselessly accused Sen. Barack Obama of running a "corrupt campaign," suggested that white liberals "hate white people," repeated the discredited charge that Obama "won't produce his birth certificate," and asserted "Kenya is going to move to America" if Obama wins the election.
October 22nd, On Hannity & Colmes, Sean Hannity falsely asserted that Sen. Barack Obama "said" he is "going to ... cut tens of billions of dollars in our military." In fact, Obama has said he would cut "tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending," not overall defense spending.
November 5, Sean Hannity asserted that Barack Obama's new White House chief of staff, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, is "one of the hardest left-wing ... radicals" and stated that the choice of Emanuel shows that Obama is "hard, hard left." But contrary to Hannity's assertion, a study using every non-unanimous vote cast in the House in 2007 to determine relative ideology placed Emanuel in a tie for the ranking of 126th most liberal Democratic congressman, and news reports have labeled Emanuel as "a centrist," who has "worked at good relations with Republicans."
Socialistic wealth redistribution including any and all tax increases and big-government welfare programs. Silencing conservatives through the Fairness Doctrine and other efforts that restrict free speech.
Open border anarchy including amnesty for illegal aliens and promotion of multi-nation “unions”. Government-run health care that weakens our system and imposes more tax burdens on citizens.
Weakening of our military through rapid pullback from Iraq, defunding our troops and overall disarmament. Social liberalism including radical pro-abortion agenda, the end of marriage and the homosexual agenda.
Liberal court activism that undermines faith, family and liberties while expanding government control. Post-American globalismthat diminishes our global role and threatens our national sovereignty.
Environmental extremism, the CO2 tax,
undermining coal and nuclear, and bans on
Silencing conservatives through the Fairness Doctrine and other efforts that restrict free speech.
Government-run health care that weakens our system and imposes more tax burdens on citizens.
Social liberalism including radical pro-abortion agenda, the end of marriage and the homosexual agenda.
Post-American globalismthat diminishes our global role and threatens our national sovereignty.
Democratic leaders in the U.S. House discuss confiscating 401(k)s, IRAs
Obama Presidency an Illegal Immigrant�s Dream
NRA's material claims that he plans to take such extreme measures as to "ban use of firearms for home self defense" and "ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns." Where does the NRA come up with these? We contacted Andrew Arulanandam, the NRA's director of public affairs. He declined to speak to us except to say that the claims are based on Obama's voting record and statements he has made in the media. "We're comfortable with what we put on there," Arulanandam said. "We believe our facts."
The NRA's lobbying arm, the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, lists several such "facts" about Obama, including the 10 claims listed on the flier. The NRA-ILA brushes aside Obama's stated position. "Don't Believe Obama," it says. "Don’t listen to his campaign rhetoric! Look instead to what he has said and done during his entire political career."
NRA Claim: "Ban use of Firearms for Home Self-Defense"
NRA Claim: "Ban Rifle Ammunition Commonly Used for Hunting and Sport Shooting"
NRA Claim: "Ban the Manufacture, Sale and Possession of Handguns"
NRA Claim: "Mandate a Government-Issued License to Purchase a Firearm"
NRA Claim: "Pass Federal Laws Eliminating Your Right-to-Carry"
NRA Claim: "Expand the Clinton Semi-Auto Weapons Ban to Include Millions More Firearms"
NRA Claim: "Appoint Judges to the U.S. Supreme Court and Federal Judiciary Who Share His Views on the Second Amendment"
NRA Claim: "Increase Federal Taxes on Guns and Ammunition by 500 Percent"
NRA Claim: "Close Down 90 Percent of Gun Shops in America"
NRA Claim: "Restore Voting Rights for Five Million Criminals Including Those Who Have been Convicted of Using a Gun to Commit a Violent Crime"
From the wise Chuck Norris
When all of a sudden/There arose such a noise/I peered out of my window/ Saw Obama and his boys.
They had come for my wallet./ They wanted my pay/ To give to the others,/ Who had not worked a day!
He snatched up my money /And quick as a wink /Jumped back on his bandwagon/ As I gagged from the political stink.
He then rallied his henchmen,/ Who were pulling his cart./ I could tell they were out /To tear my country apart!
They took off for his cause, /And as he flew out of sight,/ I heard him laugh at the nation, /Who wouldn't stand up and fight!
"In my opinion, we've elected a Marxist to be president of the United States," Mr. Broun, R-Watkinsvile, said during a luncheon of the Martinez-Evans Rotary Club at the Doubletree Hotel.
On the November 11 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, Sean Hannity again suggested that President-elect Barack Obama is to blame for the decline in the stock market and said of Wall Street's performance: "Wall Street keeps sinking. Could it be the Obama recession: The fear that taxes are gonna go up, forcing people to pull out of the market?" Hannity is not alone among conservatives in the media in referring to an "Obama recession" in purported explanation for the state of the stock market. As MSNBC's Chris Matthews noted on November 12, radio host Rush Limbaugh "says the recession isn't President Bush's fault. It's the fault, catch this, of the president who hasn't yet taken office. It's an 'Obama recession'; that's what he's calling it." Matthews characterized Limbaugh's reference to an "Obama recession" as "some of the bitter sore loser's rhetoric we are hearing from the right these days."
While discussing potential Republican outreach efforts toward African-Americans during the November 14 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show, guest host Jason Lewis stated: "[T]his whole notion of taxing -- taxing America's labor -- you know, I don't know how else you describe what this sordid experience of slavery was when you take away somebody's ability to engage in the marketplace with the fruits of their labor." Lewis later added: "We need to go into the African-American community there on cultural issues. And they should be there on taxes, because they know what it's like to have to work for free. And during the times of slavery, we targeted black folks. Well, now I guess it's OK to target wealthy folks. Either way, you're taking something that doesn't belong to you."
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